

tax discounts for polluting fossil companies



tax discounts for polluting fossil companies


The world is on fire and the Dutch government refuses to take action. Our government gives 39.7 to 46.4 billion euros in fossil subsidies per year in discounts to large fossil companies. This is no longer possible and must not be allowed.

On May 4, we will be doing a Stop Fossil Subsidies blockade together with Extinction Rebellion Belgium. We are going to show Europe how the fossil industry and our governments are driving the climate and ecological crisis. The world is done: Stop Fossil Subsidies now.

In the morning we leave on May 4 from various places in the Netherlands by bus to Brussels. We will meet there with the Belgians and jointly start the blockade until fossil subsidies are abolished!

"Shift subsidies away from fossil fuels to protect the poor and most vulnerable people and communities."

António Guterres – Secretary-General United Nations

time for action

The promising phase-out plans that the House of Representatives voted en masse in favor of six months ago turned out to amount to postponement and postponement. Postpone until there is no longer even 1 for 12 and shift the blame to non-existent European processes. They are playing hide and seek while they have to get to work immediately on ending the disastrous fossil subsidies.

2023 is the hottest year ever recorded. And the current government continues to hide behind arguments about political and economic unfeasibility and refuses to base itself on what is considered scientifically necessary.

We need to kick our addiction to fossil fuels. And step 1 is to stop encouraging their use by maintaining fossil subsidies. With this demand, we will join the Stop Fossil Subsidies blockade of Extinction Rebellion Belgium in Brussels on Saturday, May 4.

You can do this


Share this campaign on social media to ensure that there are as many people as possible on April 6.

>> YOU Have 3 minutes?

Make your own post about fossil subsidies or the A12 blockade. Below you will find images and texts that you can use.

On April 6, I will block the A12 with Extinction Rebellion to demand an end to fossil subsidies. 39.7 – 46.4 billion euros in annual government rebates for large fossil companies. We are fueling the global climate and ecological crisis with these policies and that must stop.

I am angry, I am deeply disappointed and I am appalled that our government is not taking action. The current government presented plans at the beginning of February to phase out fossil subsidies, but these will not be realized before 2030. That is simply too late. Too late for all those millions of victims who are terrified of even more climate disasters.

Our government continues to hide behind arguments about financial and political infeasibility. While only what is considered scientifically necessary should apply: the crisis is now! We do not have time to delay action for years to come. The world is on fire!

I call on you to join me in demanding that the government end fossil subsidies. April 6 at 12:00 we will march from various places in The Hague to the A12. And we will occupy it until fossil subsidies are abolished. You can find more information and register here: a12blokkade.nl

I am raged! On April 6, I will therefore block the A12 to demand an end to fossil subsidies. €39.7-46.4 billion in annual government reductions for fossil companies. We are causing the global climate and ecological crisis with these policies and it must stop.

>> IF YOU Have 1 afternoon?

Participate in the support demonstration at the next action along the A12 in The Hague to draw attention to this subject.

>> IF you have 2 afternoons?

Take an action training at Extinction Rebellion and join the next action in The Hague to demand an end to fossil subsidies.


These are the tax credits for companies that use a lot of oil, gas and coal. When you think of ‘subsidy’ you quickly think of money you receive from the government, but discounts are just as much of a gift. These can be seen as a subsidy, because they will cause companies to use more oil, gas and coal.

Including companies such as Tata Steel, Shell and KLM. But also consider shipping, generators of fossil electricity, and large consumers of fossil energy such as fertilizer makers.

For a better overview, you can view the study by Milieudefensie, which examined the top 10 major polluting companies.

While you pay neat energy taxes, companies that use a lot of oil, gas and coal receive enormous tax discounts. Think of Shell, Tata Steel and KLM. This costs every taxpayer (including you) €5,000 per year! That’s unfair.

We can also use this money to tackle the housing shortage, pay healthcare workers decently and make all homes energy efficient, instead of giving it to the shareholders of these companies.

In addition, large companies are exacerbating the climate and ecological crisis that the CEOs and shareholders themselves are hardly affected by. Its consequences fall on ordinary people, in the form of climate disasters, famine and extreme weather.

This is currently happening mainly in the Global South, but we are also increasingly feeling the consequences in the Netherlands. Consider the floods in Limburg, the impact of heat waves on the elderly, people with chronic diseases or people living in poorly insulated homes on a heat island in the city, and farmers who suffer from water shortages.

No, that will not happen, as long as the money released by abolishing fossil subsidies is distributed fairly.

By investing the money that is released smartly, for example in better care, making houses energy efficient or free public transport, the life of the average Dutch person will not become more expensive at the bottom line.

Abolishing these discounts may lead to some jobs disappearing, but many new jobs will also be created.

Companies that work sustainably and energy efficiently will be happy, and there is already a dire shortage of people there. There are countless unfilled vacancies, for example for installation technicians or environmental experts.

That is why the money released by abolishing fossil subsidies must be invested in retraining people, while maintaining their income.

For years the government has concealed exactly how much discount they give. At first it was said to be €4.5 billion, later researchers turned out to €17 billion. Then it became €37.5 billion. At the beginning of September 2023, the government said the amount is between €39,7 and €46,4 billion per year.